• Owner: G.E.I. Deutschland GmbH – In der Lach 10 D-66271 Kleinblittersdorf
  • Legal representative: Herr Jean-Jacques Koch
  • Phone number : +49 (0)68 05 / 91 39 25-0
  • Email address: gei@gei-gitterroste.de
  • VAT identification number: DE815670056
  • Social capital: 25 000 EUR
  • Trade and company register number: Amstgericht Saarbrücken HRB 103676
  • Publisher : Herr Jean-Jacques Koch
  • Website creator : Popup Studio
  • Technical part of the Website : Megento – Drupal Expert
  • Host : CONCEPT INFOS – 2 route de Remich / L-5690 Ellange


Use of the website www.gei-gitterroste.de implies the full and complete acceptance of the general terms and conditions of use set out below. These terms and conditions of use are liable to be modified or extended at any moment, and users of the website www.gei-gitterroste.de are thus advised to consult them on a regular basis.
This site is intended to be accessible to users at all times. This access may nonetheless be interrupted for the purposes of technical maintenance by GEI, who will strive to inform users in advance of the date and time this maintenance is to take place.
The website www.gei-gitterroste.de is regularly maintained by Mr. Jean-Jacques Koch. In the same way, the legal notice may be modified at any time ; users are nevertheless responsible for consulting them as often as possible in order to stay informed.


The website www.gei-gitterroste.de is intended to provide information on all the activities of the company.

GEI strives to ensure that the information on the website www.gei-gitterroste.de is as accurate as possible. Nonetheless, it may not be held liable for any omissions, inaccuracies or gaps in updates, whether arising though its own actions or the actions of third-party partners providing the information.

All information provided on the website www.gei-gitterroste.de is only given as an indication and is liable to change over time. Furthermore, information on the website www.gei-gitterroste.de is not exhaustive. It is provided subject to any modifications that may have been made since it was placed online.


This website uses JavaScript. The website may not be held liable for any material loss or damage associated with the use of the site. In addition, users of the website undertake to use recent computer equipment free from viruses and using an up-to-date next-generation browser.


GEI is the owner of the intellectual property rights or holds usage rights in respect of all elements accessible via the site, including text, images, graphics, logos, icons, sounds and software.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication or adaptation of some or all of the elements of the site, regardless of the means or process used, is prohibited without the prior written permission of GEI.

Any unauthorized use of the site or any of the elements it contains will be deemed to constitute a counterfeit and will be penal followed.


GEI shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damaged caused to users' equipment during access to the GEI website and resulting from the use of equipment that does not meet the specifications set out in section 4 or from a bug or from incompatibility. GEI shall also not be liable for indirect loss or damage (such as loss of market share or failure to make a gain) following the use of the website www.gei-gitterroste.de.

Users can ask questions in the space provided in the “Contact us” section. GEI reserves the right to delete without prior notice any content placed in this space that breaches applicable legislation in Luxembourg, particularly the provisions governing data protection. Where applicable, GEI also reserves the right to invoke the civil and/or criminal liability of the user, especially for racist, offensive, defamatory or pornographic messages, regardless of the medium used (text, photographs, etc.).


As part of the use of the website www.gei-gitterroste.de, the following may be gathered : the URL of the links via which the user accessed the website www.gei-gitterroste.de, the user's internet service provider, and the user's internet protocol (IP) address.

In any event, GEI does not gather personal information pertaining to the user other than for the requirements of certain services available on the website www.gei-gitterroste.de. Users provide this information in full conscience of this fact, particularly where they enter it themselves. Users are informed by the website www.gei-gitterroste.de as to whether or not they are required to provide this information.

All users have a right to access, correct and oppose any personal data concerning them by making a signed written request, accompanied by a signed copy of their identity documentation, stating the address to which the response is to be sent.

No personal information on users of the website www.gei-gitterroste.de will be published, exchanged, transferred, assigned or sold to third parties on any medium whatsoever without the knowledge of the user. Only if GEI and its rights were bought out would this information be transferred to the hypothetical purchaser, which would itself then be under the same obligation to the user of the website www.gei-gitterroste.de to preserve and modify the data.


The website www.gei-gitterroste.de contains a number of hypertext links to other websites, created with the authorization of GEI. However, GEI is unable to verify the content of any websites visited in this manner, and shall therefore not be liable for that content.

Navigating on the website www.gei-gitterroste.de may result in cookies being installed on the user's computer. A cookie is a small file that cannot be used to identify the user but that records information about the navigation on a website by a computer. The data obtained in this manner is intended to make future navigation on the site easier, and is also used for various measurements of visits to the website.

Refusal to allow cookies to be installed may result in certain services being unavailable. Users may however configure their computer as follows in order to prevent cookies being installed :

  • For Internet Explorer : tools tab (cogs icon at the top-right) -> internet options. Click on Confidentiality and select Block All Cookies. Confirm by clicking OK.
  • For Firefox : click on the Firefox button at the top of the navigator window and go to the Options tab. Click on the Privacy tab. Set the History to : Use custom settings for history. Finally, untick the box to deactivate cookies.
  • For Safari : click on the menu icon at the top-right of the navigator (cog symbol) Select Options. Click on Show advanced options. Under Confidentiality, click on Content options. You can block cookies in the Cookies section.
  • For Chrome : click on the menu icon at the top-right of the navigator (three horizontal lines). Select Options. Click on Show advanced options. Under Confidentiality, click on Preferences. You can block cookies in the Confidentiality tab.


All disputes arising in connection with the use of the website www.gei-gitterroste.de shall be governed by german law. Exclusive jurisdiction is hereby granted to the competent courts of Saarbrücken.


User : Internet user connecting to and using the abovementioned website.
Personal information : "information permitting the identification, in any manner whatsoever and whether directly or not, of the real persons to whom it pertains.